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Supply Teaching : Looking after your Mental Health.

Teaching is tough. Times are tough. There is so much going on in our lives that it is easy to get swept away and overwhelmed. So, here are my five top tips for looking after your mental health as a Supply teacher for Thrive.

1. Drink more water
Sounds obvious right? But I found in hectic and chaotic schools, I would end up finishing the day having barely drunk half of my shiny blue Thrive water bottle (ask Ellis for the merch- it’s honestly a super little bottle). Now, I make sure I keep myself hydrated to avoid headaches and fatigue but also to just take those few minutes to ground myself. Just the simple act of having a drink is almost a universal signal to everyone to hold their questions/needs/demands and to just pause. After all, you can’t talk and drink at the same time!

2. Take time for yourself
Just taking 5 minutes to ground yourself is SO important. We’ve all been there where we have just felt like we must rush from one thing to the next. Books need marking, lesson plans need checking, and the list can go on and on. But make time to just pause. Just sitting and doing nothing for 5 minutes at lunchtime or break time is such a good way to reset yourself. I do quiet breathing using the calm program on my Fitbit watch. Or I look out the window and see what I can see. Just being still, calm, and grounded can set you up for whatever comes next.

3. Remember you’re in control
I’ll be honest- I still occasionally struggle with this one. No matter how many times Ellis makes me repeat this to him, it still hasn’t fully stuck yet! But he is right: you are in control. That means you can work as little or as much as you want. That means you can do whichever year groups you want. That means you can choose which schools you go to. That means you can say what you want. Obviously, making sure that you give Ellis enough notice if you need some time off is common courtesy, but exercise your right to choose. After all, having this control is why we love supply work!

4. Talk
As teachers, we are used to burying how we really feel for the sake of the children. Often though, this can become a habit in all areas of our lives. But at Thrive, Ellis encourages you to tell him what you want. Give him honest feedback about your day. Tell him which days you are available to work or where you want to go. The more you are honest with Ellis, the better your placings will be because he will be able to find something that suits you best. There is never any judgement with Ellis; as he often says to me, “as long as you are honest, it’s all good!”
However, if you are really struggling then please see your GP or call the Education support helpline free and confidential 24/7 helpline on 08000 562 561.

5. Be kind to yourself
We don’t do this enough as teachers. But remember what you are doing: you are shaping little minds and lives. You are bringing order to chaos by their routines being turned upside down. You are ensuring that their learning isn’t interrupted. These are powerful things! But you are also not a robot- there will be bad days. That is not always a reflection on yourself, so be kind to yourself. Learn from mistakes- that is why we make them. But overall: you are part of Team Thrive and that means you are valued; you are special and you are good at what you do. If you need to repeat that to yourself- do it! It is the truth and why Ellis is the best person to work for as he won’t let you forget it either.

If you are someone who is currently reevaluating their teaching career and are considering the supply teaching option; please get in touch with Ellis on 01452 260 933 for a confidential chat today!

Becky C – Thrive Education Supply Teacher