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Here at Thrive Education, we appreciate just how hard it’s been to complete your studies and qualify in what has been a period of exceptional difficulties and hardships.

In response to these uniquely challenging times, Thrive has decided to concentrate its focus on the best ways to effectively support our newly qualified teachers as they take those first formative steps in their teaching careers.

When you join us at Thrive Education, you’ll see exactly how we work.

It’s all about people, always. This means matching the right teacher to the right school so that both can thrive. The clues in the name really…

You want to hit the ground running when you start teaching.

Here’s how we can help.


We work with an ever-expanding number of schools that join us in our philosophy of

‘Right teacher right school’

This concept is specifically designed to help you succeed in your teaching day and form a meaningful collaborative relationship with your school.


We aim to offer you hands-on support by helping you access the combined knowledge and experience of our existing team of Thrive Education Teachers.


Practical support.

Worksheets, heavens answer in your hour of need! This is the moment you turn on that pinball smile and dazzling personality that made you a teacher in the first place!

As you begin your supply teaching career, make it a mission to poach, beg and borrow tried and trusted worksheets used and recommended by teachers with a few years of experience under their belts.

Good teachers are always happy to share successful and positive teaching tools.

Worksheets when used effectively can be so much more than an emergency holding activity (although they can be great for this too!)

Worksheets can be a great ice breaker with a new class and an excellent way to assess your children’s ability and subject knowledge, as well as giving individual children and small groups the chance to express themselves both singly and as a team.

Here at Thrive Education, we are happy to provide a worksheet mini starter pack to help you with activities in KS1 and 2 English and Maths as well as a bit of help with other subjects and yearly events covered in class such as Chinese New Year and Christmas.

So, congratulations you’ve completed the tough part and you’re a brand-new teacher!

Now let’s work together to help you thrive!